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Promoting Sustainable Futures for All

The Kainake Project is a Non-Profit community-based-organisation located in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea (PNG). Broadly, we are interested in translating Papua New Guinea's Vision 2050 and the National Strategy on Responsible Sustainable Development (StaRS) into implementable community actions that will contribute towards improving the Human Development Index and contribute towards achieving PNG's vision to become a "Smart, Wise, Fair and Happy Society by 2050."

We are also committed to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals through our programs and projects.

The Kainake Project is registered as a non-profit association under the Papua New Guinea's Associations Incorporation Act. Our registration number is 5-100505. 


We will notify you shortly on how you can support our projects


Get involved with our sustainable livelihood organic vanilla project and sustain a microeconomy


Creating and sharing knowledge to empower people to preserve and develop their natural and cultural heritages

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